A Litany for the Healing and Restoration of our Church

Holy Creator, in whom all things in heaven and earth have their being, 

Have mercy on us. 

Risen Christ, through whom the whole creation is reconciled to God, 

Have mercy on us. 

Life-giving Spirit, whose love and truth fills the world and searches the depths of our lives, 

Have mercy on us. 

Blessed Trinity, source of both unity and diversity, 

Have mercy on us. 

From our failure to recognize and respect the revelation of your truth and love in the First Peoples of this land, 

Saviour, forgive and heal us.
From our participation in the systematic oppression of indigenous sovereignty, language, culture and spirituality, 

Saviour, forgive and heal us

From our role in the Indian Residential Schools designed to eliminate the unique society, wisdom and beauty of the indigenous peoples of this land, 

Saviour, forgive and heal us.
From our complicit tolerance of the decimation of Indigenous family structures leaving children vulnerable to abuses of every kind, 

Saviour, forgive and heal us

From our continued acceptance of unjust legal, educational, health and social structures that continue to oppress and destroy the lives of many indigenous people, 

Saviour, forgive and heal us

O God, we pray for the gifts of your grace and your love which never gives up on us and is forever faithful. Inspire our minds with a vision of the reconciliation of your kingdom in this time and place. 

Hear us, O Christ. 

Touch our eyes, that we may see the sacredness in all creation. 

Hear us, O Christ. 

Touch our ears, that we may hear from every mouth of every peoples the hunger for hope and stories of refreshment. 

Hear us, O Christ. 

Touch our lips, that we may speak of the beauty of every tongue and dialect proclaiming the wonderful works of God. 

Hear us, O Christ. 

Touch our hearts, that we may discern your mission in which you call us to be immersed, particularly in partnership with the First Peoples of this land. 

Hear us, O Christ. 

Touch our minds that we may witness to your Good News in our neighbourhoods, communities, and all parts of the world. 

Hear us, O Christ. 

Touch our hands, that we may forever shun violence and embrace the work you give us to do. 

Hear us, O Christ. 

Draw your Church together, O Lord, into one great company of disciples, together following our Lord Jesus Christ into every walk of life, together serving you in your mission in the world, and together witnessing to your love on every continent and island of your creation. We ask this in the name of the Risen Christ in whom we are one. Amen. 

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St. Peter’s Anglican Church

Request Prayer

Come On In

everything's where you left it.