Week of December 15th, 2024
Prayers of the People
In joyful expectation let us pray to our Saviour and Redeemer, saying, “Lord Jesus, come soon!”
O Wisdom, from the mouth of the Most High, be with those who travel by land, water, or air, for the sick and the suffering, for prisoners and captives, and for their safety, health, and salvation for you reign over all things to the ends of the earth: come and teach us how to live.
Lord Jesus, come soon!
O Lord, and head of the house of Israel, you appeared to Moses in the fire of the burning bush, and you gave the law on Sinai: guide us in welfare of the holy Church of God, be with Justin the Archbishop of Canterbury, The Anglican Church of Tanzania with Maimbo, their primate, Leopold the Bishop of the Windward Islands and DIOCESAN CoP and for the unity of all, come with outstretched arm and ransom us.
Lord Jesus, come soon!
O Branch of Jesse, standing as a sign among the nations, be with Linda our Primate, Chris our National Indigenous Archbishop, Greg our Archbishop: All bishops and kings will keep silence before you and all peoples will summon you to their aid: come, set us free and delay no more.
Lord Jesus, come soon!
O Key of David and sceptre of the house of Israel, be with the parish of DIOCESAN CP, and all clergy and people; you open, and none can shut; you shut, and none can open; come and free the captives from prison.
Lord Jesus, come soon!
O Morning Star, splendour of the light eternal and bright Sun of righteousness; be with Norbert, our priest, Bernard and Rob our Wardens, Dawn our Sunday School Coordinator, Parish Council, and all people of this parish, especially Adelaide, Jasper, Jeremy, Maggie, and Stephanie; come and enlighten all who dwell in darkness and in the shadow of death.
Lord Jesus, come soon!
O King of the nations, be with Charles our king, , Mary our Governor General, Justin our Prime Minster, Salma our Lieutenant Governor, and Danielle our Premier, for the leaders of the nations, and for all in authority; you alone can fulfil their desires: Cornerstone, you make opposing nations one: come and save the creature you fashioned from clay.
Lord Jesus, come soon!
O Emmanuel, hope of the nations and their Saviour; be with Tanya our mayor, the town of Okotoks and every city and community, and for those who live in them in faith; come and save us, Lord our God.
Lord Jesus, come soon!
O Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, yours is the majesty, yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory, now and for ever. Amen.
God of hope, renew in us the joy of your salvation and make us a living sacrifice to you, for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen!